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As your care provider we are committed to keeping yourselves and your families safe and free from the Covid-19 virus, however, we do also realise that this may not be possible in all cases and we have to have a contingency plan should we have a confirmed case of the virus.

At present Government guidelines state that regular handwashing is enough of a barrier along with our regular Vinyl Gloves to prevent the spread of the virus. I am keeping all staff updated with guidance and have put in place the following procedures.

•  All staff providing personal care should be doing so ‘bare below the elbow’, no cardigans or jackets should be worn
•  All staff should wash their hands on entering your property, apply Vinyl gloves and then wash their hands upon removing the gloves to leave your property
•  Staff have been issued with an emergency supply of PPE should we have a suspected or confirmed case of the virus. This includes disposable aprons, alcohol gel, gloves and arm protection. Face masks are also available should they be required. These stocks are in very short supply as we are awaiting emergency stock from the government to arrive.
•  Staff are aware that should we have a suspected case of Covid-19 then they will report this immediately and advice and testing will be sought through the NHS 111 service.

•  Confirmed cases will be subject to use of all emergency PPE, staff limitations and ongoing monitoring

What can you all do to help?

I have now received many phone calls from concerned patients, family members and friends, all offering their help and wishing to gain advice as to what they can do to help. I have put together the following list for you all.

•  Please ensure there is adequate soap and clean towels for your carers to wash their hands with.

•  If you have any concerns about your own health or that of a family member living with you, please inform me immediately.

•  In the case of low staff levels live in family members, where possible, may be asked to assist us with the care being provided if 2 staff are usually present

•  Please cancel any unnecessary outings and isolate yourselves as much as possible, your carers are more than happy to bring anything you need from the shop with them

•  Should you wish to cancel any of your visits for the short term please be assured that your space will be left open during this period and we fully understand the concerns you may have surrounding staff entering your home

•  Please contact me should you need any more information or reassurance

Thank you all for all your support during this difficult time, we will keep you all as updated as we possibly be can. Please keep yourselves safe and take care upon any outings,

We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to the following people and businesses whom have provided us with essential PPE, helped us to gain infection control supplies when stocks were extremely short and have generally just been amazing!!

•  Steve at Eagles Fish Restaurant, Main Ridge, Boston, sourcing PPE and Infection Control supplies for us!
•  James at WoodCo, Cow Bridge, Boston, sourcing PPE for us and delivering immediately!
•  Elaine at Dawsons flowers who donated a bunch of flowers to each of our patients when her market stall was closed (see pic above)
•  Rachel, Brad and Steve who have donated face visors, gloves, masks, baby wipes and scrub bags for all of us!
•  The Old Leake Volunteer Group who also donated gloves and aprons!
•  RJH Supplies for the blue roll needed to help sanitise our patients homes
•  The many lovely local people who responded to the early plea on social media for PPE, donating gloves, hand wash, aprons and face masks!

Last but certainly not least the amazing Staff we have, keeping everyone safe from the pandemic, keeping their spirits up and families in touch via FaceTime and photo messaging! You all do an amazing job and I'm PROUD to say that you're all my team! Stay strong, together we will be beat this!

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